Trade. Better.
Making a difference beyond the trading floor.

Today, we understand more than ever that the world is our trading floor. We’re here not only to create value for our clients, but to promote fair and accessible markets. This means doing our jobs with integrity, and acknowledging the impact we have beyond the markets—on the environment, in our communities, and on the practices and policies that guide our industry.
Mitigating our environmental impact
Electronic trading ushered in an era of exponential improvements in efficiency. It made trading not only faster and smarter, but also required significantly fewer resources to get the job done.
But as electronic trading has grown to become an integral part of global markets, so have the massive energy needs of the networks, processing engines, and data centers that drive it.

Preserving the world’s great forests to fight climate change
Instinet partnered with the Wildlife Conservation Society to launch REDD Positive, an initiative that brings together the best in carbon finance and carbon science to preserve and protect endangered forest land.
Money raised through REDD Positive is helping to fund massive, locally-led forest restoration projects in South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia that issue verified carbon units businesses can buy to offset their carbon footprints.
Diversifying the workplace
As the financial services industry has grown and evolved, the needs, ideas, and voices of the trading community have become more and more diverse.
But there is still a great deal of work to be done to build more inclusive and equal workplaces at Instinet and within the wider trading community. Instinet is committed to broadening its investment in talent and expertise by embracing the tenets of diversity, inclusion, and belonging. This includes encouraging a new, more representative array of thinkers and innovators to join us.

Partnering with an inspiring emerging artist
As a center of innovation in our industry, we celebrate the entrepreneurial spirit that drives real change—the willingness to take on the big problems and challenge the status quo. That’s why we partnered with Rhea Talwar, an artist and young businesswoman who lives with a genetic disorder that limits her mobility, speech, and eyesight, to create Chevvy, Instinet’s avatar.